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CSS Frameworks
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Emastic CSS framework
Emastic is a CSS framework that's lightweight (<4kb) that supports fluid or fixed widths using em, px, or %.
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A CSS framework created to allow web designers and front-end developers to quickly code typographically pleasing grid layouts.
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Top 12 CSS Frameworks and How to Understand Them
A quick look at 12 great CSS frameworks you can use to speed up your development time.
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Boilerplate: CSS Framework
A stripped down version of Blueprint which provides the bare essentials to begin any project.
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CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch
Advantages and disadvantages of CSS Frameworks, popular CSS frameworks and default-stylesheets you can use designing a new web site.
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Reworked CSS Reset
Eric Meyer's ingenious, zero-ed out reset.css file. Inspired by YUI.