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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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Introduction to CSS Variables
A comprehensive introduction to CSS Variables, a new browser feature that lets you store and reuse CSS values in your CSS.
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Creating a simple page transition using CSS and JavaScript
New tutorial on building a simple but sleek page transition using CSS3 that appears while a page is loading.
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Creating an off-canvas menu using CSS3
This tutorial walks the user through the creation of the iconic off-canvas side menu from scratch using CSS3.
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Creating a live CSS clock using CSS3 and some JavaScript goodness
This tutorial guides you through building a clock interface using pure CSS, then bringing it to life with JavaScript's requestAnimationFrame method.
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11 Yays
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A CSS library for manipulating CSS3 animations- stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks etc with ease. Also comes with many built in CSS3 animation effects.
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CSS3 Sonar Menu
A cool horizontal list menu that highlights each menu link with a pulsating sonar effect using CSS3 keyframe animation.
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7 Yays
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Swinging keyframe animation
This demo shows how to use CSS3 keyframes to create a perpetual, periodically running swinging effect on a HTML element.
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Animated UL background effect
This CSS3 example demonstrates animating the min-width property of an element to create a stretching background effect
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Pure CSS3 Push Down Panel
This is a CSS3 push down panel that when clicked on reveals some content. The entire interface is created using a combination of CSS3 shadows, round borders, and CSS2 generated content.
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Introduction to CSS Media Queries
A nice overview of CSS media queries and how to use it to cater your webpage to various devices and screen dimensions.