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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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Hakim CSS3 Experiments
A handful of cutting edge CSS3 experiments showcasing what's possible using JavaScript and CSS3 canvas, transitions, transforms etc.
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6 Nays

CSS3 Shadow Block Menu
This CSS Menu harnesses CSS3's ability to define multiple/ inset shadows on an element to create menu items with bevelled edges and a growing inner glow when the mouse rolls over them.
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CSS3 Stop-watch without using any images or script
A analog stop watch created using nothing more than CSS3, specifically, CSS3 keyframe animations.
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4 Yays
2 Nays

Using CSS Background-size Responsively
This article looks at how to show inline and background images in a responsive manner, one that adjusts to the user's screen size.
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1 Nays

Speakker HTML5 audio player
Speakker is a HTML5 audio player script built upon the famous projekktor video player. Easy to set up and comes with different themes out of the box.
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2 Nays

Image with sliding description panel using CSS3 transitions
This CSS example shows how to add an animated description panel to images that slides open when the mouse rolls over the image using CSS3 transitions.
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Web Typography for the Lonely
Cutting edge experiments with HTML5 canvas and SVG graphics to create interesting typography effects.
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9 Yays
3 Nays

Spinning icons using CSS3 transform
An alternative effect to the image rollover, see how to make icons spin on their axis when the mouse rolls over them using CSS3 animation.
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10 Nays

Make It Snow on Your Website With CSS Keyframe Animations
A look at using CSS3 multiple background images and keyframe animation to create a background snow effect.
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4 Nays

35 HTML5 Development tutorials
A roundup of 35 varied HTML5 related tutorials to get you up to speed on all aspects of the technology.