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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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CSS3: Stay on :target
This article introduces you to a really powerful CSS3 pseudo selector called ":target" and how it can be useful.
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In Depth CSS: New CSS3 Styles
A run down of the major new additions CSS3 bring to the table.
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CSS3 Linear Gradients
CSS3's supports linear gradients, which offer a fast and lightweight way of adding gradients to your page. It can be used in conjunction with a gradient image to get the best of both worlds.
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Harmony- Canvas Drawing Tool
Harmony is a HTML5/ Canvas drawing tool that includes some impressive brushing effects.
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CSS3 loading spinners without images
See how to use CSS3's css-transform property to create an animated image-less loading spinner with just code, no images!
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50 Awesome Animations made with CSS3
Here are 50 CSS3 animation examples that perform many motion-based functions normally delegated to JavaScript.
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CSS3 Gradients: No Image Aqua Button
This tutorial shows how to use CSS3 gradients to create an Aqua Button that's pure CSS and no images.
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CSS Overlays with CSS3
These CSS3 overlays use a number of new CSS3 properties, from "border-radius" to "border-image".
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Pure CSS3 Animated AT-AT Walker from Star Wars
This article looks at creating animatiosn using CSS3, in this case, an AT-AT Walker from "The Empire Strikes Back".