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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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Beautiful UI styling with CSS3 text-shadow, box-shadow, and border-radius
This article shows you how to use CSS3 properties to create beautiful UI elements without the use of any images, JavaScript or Flash.
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The CSS 3 Flexible Box Model
CSS3's flexible box model determines the way boxes are distributed inside other boxes and the way they share the available space.
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10 HTML5 Video Players
One of the exciting new features of HTML5 is its ability to play videos. Here are 10 HTML5 based video players. No flash!
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HTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques
A comprehensive yet easy to follow guide on all the new features of HTML5.
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CSS3 calc() value in Firefox 4.0
The upcoming Firefox4 will support the CSS calc() value, which lets you compute a length value using an arithmetic expression.
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Ultimate Roundup of Helpful HTML5 Tutorials
HTML5 attempts to solve issues found in previous iterations of HTML and addresses the needs of Web Applications. Here's a great list of HTML5 related tutorials.
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HTML 5 link prefetching
HTML5's rel="prefetch" attribute extends the concept of image preloading to HTML content as well.
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Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation
A comprehensive introduction to CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation. Worth a read.
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How to use CSS3 Orientation Media Queries
CSS3's orientation media query allows us to target specific styles based on the current screen or device orientation. We have 2 properties: landscape and portrait.
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Welcome to HTML5 and CSS3- Tools, Resources & Frameworks
As the title suggests, an inspiring collection of CSS3 and HTML5 demos and other resources.