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CSS3 and HTML5 Articles
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Font-Embedding Icons: This Is a Big Deal
A look at using CSS3's font embedding abilities to create icons using just plain text.
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Becoming a Font Embedding Master
Jonathan Snook's take on the best and most complete approach to font embedding using @font-face.
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CSS Compatibility and IE9
An overview of CSS support across all IE browsers, including IE9 beta.
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CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads
Some impressive ads created using HTML and CSS3 only. See if you can tell them apart from their Flash counterparts.
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The Little Known font-size-adjust CSS3 Property
The font-size-adjust property allows you to specify an optimal aspect ratio for when a fallback font is used.
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Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery
This article looks at using HTML5's video element and jQuery plus jQuery UL to create a custom video player.
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CSS3 Hover Image Gallery
A sleek image gallery that take advantages of CSS3 animation, shadows, and the "
" property to instantly add a smooth hover effect to its images.
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Animated Navigation Menu with CSS3
This article shows you how to create menu links that animate upwards into view using CSS3, with a jQuery version as fallback.
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Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images
A two part tutorial on building a fancy looking webpage using HTML5 and CSS3 only, no images ma!