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MySQL Sidu

A very nice free, web based mySQL client for managing your mySQL databases.
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Using PHP to Create and Draw Images (2 parts)

PHP comes equipped with many functions and libraries to create images on the fly. Part II of the tutorial here.
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Some PHP Abilities You May Not Know About

A few little tricks in PHP you may not be aware of.
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PHPlist newsletter script

Phplist is an open-source newsletter manager. It's free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate with any website.
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Rabid PHP Ratings script

RabidRatings is a simple but eye-caching ratings system which allows users to your website to rate virtually anything. Integrates easily with existing PHP/ mySQL pages.
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MySQLDumper is a mySQL backup script that also works on very large databases without timing out.
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Building a Bulletproof Contact Form with PHP

The simple techniques described help prevent the headaches that can come along with operating a simple contact form
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PHP Form

Create HTML Form in Seconds.
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Create a timed stylesheet using PHP

Change the look of a website based on the time of day using a tiny PHP snipet!
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PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner

Tutorials to learn about elementary PHP 4 or basic PHP 5 , written by Vikram Vaswani, founder and CEO of Melonfire.

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