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The Standards Way to Do Dynamic Data
Produce interesting data visualizations that degrade gracefully in the face of browser inferiority.
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ALA 237: client school
Issue 237 of A List Apart, for people who make websites, is all about education.
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Stand and Deliver
One of the greatest challenges any designer faces is articulating the intuitive.
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Educate Your Stakeholders!
As much as it hurts to admit it, most of the important decisions of website development are not made by design professionals.
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How to make sexy buttons with CSS
This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons CSS.
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10 Fresh, Elegant and Clean Wordpress Themes
5 fresh and elegant and 5 simple Wordpress themes you might be willing to use for your next project
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Collapsing Margins
When you work with CSS it won't be long before you run into margin issues -- here is some help on Collapsing Margins
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Andy Budd points out that CSS hasn't had an update since 1998, and suggests rolling the most obviously useful parts of CSS 3 in to an incremental CSS 2.2.
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Activating the Right Layout Mode Using the Doctype Declaration
Learn the essentials of layout modes of newer browsers.