
User rating:
3 Yays 3 Nays

Clients - A Designer’s Surival Guide

A look at the different kinds of difficult clients as a web designer you probably have faced, and some healthy ways to dealing with them.
User rating:
8 Yays 1 Nays

15 Sexy and Free RSS Feed Icons

Here are 15 sexy and free RSS feed icons to help entice users to subscribe to your RSS feed.
User rating:
5 Yays 7 Nays

Stay on Top content script

This useful jQuery script lets you "emphasize" and make particular content on your page stand out by keeping them always visible on the visitor's browser screen.
User rating:
4 Yays 3 Nays

Upcoming onferences for Web Designers

The following is a big list of upcoming conferences for graphic design professionals, arranged by country and date.
User rating:
13 Yays 10 Nays

Thumbnails: Examples And Best Practices

There are many ways to format and display image thumbnails. Here are various examples on the web that do it nicely.
User rating:
13 Yays 52 Nays

You are not a Designer if…

A rather funny but accurate list of things that disqualifies you from calling yourself a Web Designer.
User rating:
7 Yays 16 Nays

65 Very Creative and Funny Photoshopped Images

Everything is possible in Photoshop and here, you'll see 65 very creative examples of photo manipulation using the program.
User rating:
26 Yays 8 Nays

Definitive List of CSS Frameworks

The amount of time web designers spend working on CSS seems to be increasing. Here's a list of CSS frameworks to combat this trend.
User rating:
16 Yays 12 Nays

The Art of Crafting Beautiful Stylesheets

Crafting beautiful stylesheets is not a dark art. Yes, it takes discipline, commitment and persistence but with a few tricks up your sleeve, you too can be a CSS ninja.
User rating:
4 Yays 2 Nays

CSS3 & Flexible UI: Avoid Recutting UI Graphics for Mobile

Firefox 3.5 enables a new slew of fun CSS3 design styles such as ounded edges, embedded fonts etc that are perfect for the low bandwidth, screen size mobile viewers.

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