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Xopus: browser based WYSIWYG editor
An editor that allows you to copy and paste from a Microsoft Word document into the HTML page.
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WordPress 2 - a visual quickstart guide
This book is more of a compendium which explains the basics of managing your WordPress blog
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Web Contracts - Why Bother?
Nick Gould shares some legal advice for freelancers
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103bees - Web Analytics with a Twist
An online traffic analysis tool that focuses purely on organic search engine traffic without fussing over other frivolous data
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Best Practices for Title Tags
SEOmoz on How to Make the Best Title Tag Possible
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Five CSS tricks that repeatedly saved my ass
Chris Heilmann share with you CSS techniques that saved his ass.
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WordPress 2.1 Ella Released
With a lot of new features added, 2.1 also includes over 550 bug fixes.
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Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop
A way to use Photoshop, ImageReady, and slices to produce valid, standards-compliant mockups quickly.
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CSS3 Support in Opera
A look at CSS3 support and upcoming support in the Opera desktop browser.