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Still Not Thinking About Accessibility? Maybe a Lawsuit Will Change Your Mind
Rebecca of SEOmoz on Target's recent lawsuit regarding web accessibility
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Best practices for the Mobile Web
Roger Johansson of on working with the mobile web
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Web Browser Faceoff
The last few weeks have been packed with browser action and the two market leaders ...
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Introduction to Microformats
An introduction to Microformats and an explain as to "why"
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JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web
Brendan Eich, the guy who created JavaScript and started Mozilla, on JavaScript 2
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“Getting Real” free to read online
The free web version of 37 Signal's "Getting Real". Same content, just in HTML. And it's free for anyone to read
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Toufee Launches Fast Flash Movie Making
Toufee, a new WYSIWYG online Flash movie builder making it easy create impressive multimedia items for embedding in web pages
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“Using Microformats” by Brian Suda
A new title by Brian Suda is reviewed by Gareth Rushgrove of
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Useful tips for writing efficient CSS
Roger Johansson's take on Jonathan Snook's "Top CSS Tips"