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New clearing method needed for IE7?
Roger Johansson of on a new clearing method for IE7
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Fly Out Menus: Can They Drop Up as Well as Drop Down?
There seem to be a couple of negatives to this approach
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Performancing launches ad network for bloggers
Performancing, home of the "jobs for bloggers" board and the much loved Firefox blogging plug-in, has added an ad network to its family of services
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Internet Explorer 7 final is now available
Last night Microsoft made the release version of Internet Explorer 7 available for download
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Video Presentation: Douglas Crockford on the “Theory of the DOM”
Douglas Crockford, discoverer of JSON and JavaScript evangelist/veteran gives a training on the theory of the DOM lately and the videos are available on the web.
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Nikita the Spider: a bulk validation and link checking tool
Roger Johansson of on Nikita the Spider, a new validation and link checking service
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Ten (Okay, 13) Questions with Libby Sartain, Chief People Yahoo!
This is an interview with Libby Sartain of Yahoo on how to stand out and get the job!
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Making Javascript DOM a Piece of Cake with the graft() Function
schadenfreude has been frustrated by DOM, and and decided to make Javascript DOM a Piece of Cake with the graft() Function
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Benchmark: DOM vs. innerHTML
Gleb Lebedev has gotten into the fun benchmark game by creating a benchmark of DOM vs. innerHTML testing on FF 1.5, IE 6, and Opera 9