
User rating:
11 Yays 13 Nays

Tutorial: Superimposing Text Onto an Image

This tutorial will show you how to properly superimpose text onto an image so that the fill of the text is effectively the image in the background.
User rating:
9 Yays 8 Nays

Creating Triangles in CSS

A look at how to create trangles using pure CSS.
User rating:
14 Yays 6 Nays

CSS3 Rounded Corners using border-radius

Among CSS3's handy new features is the border-radius property, which offers a clean and easy way of adding rounded corners to elements on the page
User rating:
6 Yays 1 Nays

Creating a zombie face in Photoshop

In this tutorial we’re going to transform a picture of an ordinary face into a zombie one in just a few steps.
User rating:
4 Yays 3 Nays

Most Essential Best Practices to Improve and Optimize Your Markup and CSS

This post aims at highlighting general purpose best practices for how to improve your CSS code and tips for how to work with markup.
User rating:
0 Yays 3 Nays

Playing Around with CSS3 Colors

CSS3 comes with a few new ways of manipulating colors, such as using HSL (Hue, Saturation, Light) and opacity/alpha-channels.
User rating:
1 Yays 15 Nays

10 Crappy Corporate Logos

For the most part, corporate logos look pretty good these day, but as always, there are a few bad apples. Here are some of them.
User rating:
3 Yays 4 Nays

jQuery Multi Level Popup Menu

jQuery Popup Menu lets you associate a multi level drop down menu to any link on the page, so moving the mouse over the link activates the menu to be shown beside it.
User rating:
4 Yays 1 Nays

Going Nuts with CSS Transitions

This article looks at how CSS 3 transforms and WebKit transitions can add zing to the way you present images on your site.
User rating:
4 Yays 1 Nays

4 Months Self-employed: 10 Lessons Learned

"I took the leap at the start of 2009 to become a freelancer and the experience has been both amazing and enlightening."

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