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Automatically highlight category in Wordpress
This tutorial shows you how to automatically highlight the category the viewer is currently in within a Wordpress site.
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Using Javascript to Fix 12 Common Browser Headaches
This article demystifies 12 javascript solutions for the most common CSS issues that you will encounter when building web applications.
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Sumopaint online graphics editor
A powerful, free online graphics editor that supports many advanced features such as layers. Very nice.
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Creating a Slide-In jQuery Contact Form
In this tutorial you will see how to create a slide-in contact form using jQuery.
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Sexy Panels Vertical Menu
Sexy Panels is a CSS vertical list menu with a curvy right edge. It uses a transparent gif as its interface for easy color customization.
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A Killer Collection of Global CSS Reset Styles
CSS "reset" rules override default browser styles and make cross browser CSS simple. A collection of killer CSS reset styles.
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21 Excellent CSS Dreamweaver Extensions
21 Excellent Dreamweaver Extensions for CSS Productivity and Standards, most of them free.
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Preloading Content With jQuery
A quick look at how to preload either images or content using jQuery.
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How Usable is Your Copy?
Copy is a term used to refer to the text on your website. How "usable" is it?