User rating:
50+ CSS Best Practices and Coding Guidelines
Quick and concise list of CSS best practices
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Cross-Browser Compatibility: Which Browsers Matter?
A simple answer to a question asked time and time again -- check your stats, know your users and accommodate them.
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65 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Collection of 65 Adobe Illustration tutorials for vector graphics drawing.
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AdvancED DOM Scripting (Book review)
Roger Johansson of reviews "AdvancED DOM Scripting" from Jeffrey Sambells and Aaron Gustafson
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Advanced Interface Design Survey
If you feel helping interface designers to better understand which design elements you prefer check this website.
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New CSS JavaScript Library
Marat Denenberg has continued the trend of CSS frameworks by taking Mootools and creating CSS.js.
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IE for PC on a Mac
This program promises to make testing out various versions of IE for the PC on a Mac quickly and painlessly.
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Mind The Gap; clearfix is clearly broken
Having trouble with a small gap at the bottom of your website? It might be because your using the "clearfix" CSS hack.