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9 Nays

44 Lightbox scripts compared
Overwhelmed by all the Lightbox scripts out there? This page provides a quick comparison of 44 Lightbox scripts using a chart.
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7 Nays

Free Flash Gallery Solutions for Your Images
17 Free and attractive Flash Image Gallery solutions currently on the Web.
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7 Nays

How to Build an EM Based Layout that Won’t Break
An EM based layout allows your website to scale gracefully based on visitor screen resolution or front size. This article shows how to build a bullet proof two-column EM based website layout.
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8 Nays

30 Creative & Inspiring Desktop Wallpapers
Desktop Wallpapers are the first image you see when you turn on your computer, and can be a source of inspiration for web designers waking up to their computers.
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9 Nays

17 fast and easy steps to more web traffic
17 tips for promoting your web site, from running a contest to effectively using a favicon.
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9 Yays
2 Nays

Benchmark: Fastest way to code a loop in JavaScript
Efficiency in our JavaScript code is becoming more and more important. A benchmark of the least and most expensive ways to code a JS loop.
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7 Yays
9 Nays

CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices
So we´ve decided to take a deep look at articles about CSS-based layouts and the result was a list of 40 tutorials, resources and best practices offering gorgeous and valid CSS-based Layouts.
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7 Yays
6 Nays

Matt Rossi’s Top 5 logos, web sites, and illustrations for the week
Matt Rossi of Ifoh Designs shares his favorite logos, site designs, and illustrations around the web for this week.
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8 Yays
5 Nays

Learn Illustrator CS3 in 30 Days
30 days online course on learning Adobe Illustrator. Now in week 2.
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8 Nays

Interview with Rick Ellis, Creator of ExpressionEngine
Interview with the founder of, company behind the Expression Engine CMS.