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CSS Vertical List Menu
A lean CSS vertical menu with support for 1 level of nested lists.
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37 Steps To Perfect Markup
This article highlights and answers some of the most frequently asked questions about HTML. HTML is the foundation of the Web, and both developers and designers need to understand it.
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Dynamic CSS Changes
When changing the appearance of a site through the use of JavaScript, we usually see developers either switch the stylesheet of the page or change the class of an element.
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Color: An Investigation
A delve into one of the most importants elements of any design: Colour. One of the basic tools that designers can use when building a composition, yet we rarely notice it, apart from when it is used at its worst or best.
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Create A Simple Liquid Layout
John Oxton explores how to make a simple but effective liquid layout, which will work across browsers and uses absolute positioning.
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Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
37 Signal's on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” -- being completely involved in an activity for its own sake
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Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers
Being a successful designer does not only take (creative) talent, or technical skills but in fact a whole lot more
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Playing with CSS selectors
Allows you to type advanced compound CSS selectors into a field and see the results live on the same page
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Newly Supported CSS Selectors in IE7
Become aware of the things these newly supported CSS combinator tools will do for you.
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Free Copy of Beginning CSS Web Development
There's a fun little contest over at John Oxton's site; the prize is a copy of Simon Collison's book Beginning CSS Web Development: From Novice to Professional