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CSS Library
A nice CSS library offering free, original CSS codes to enhance your site.
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News Posters wanted
I'm looking for a few volunteers to help with posting news...
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CSSViewer Firefox extension
A nice and simple CSS property viewer extension for Firefox.
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Dashes vs. underscores
An old but still interesting discussion on whether to use dashes or underscores for long URLs.
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The F-Shaped Pattern reader
A study that asserts that web surfers read webpages following a "F shaped" pattern.
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Interview with H�kon- CSS father
A nice interview with one of CSS's architect on CSS, Acid 2, and the future of Opera browser.
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A new site from Microsoft to make finding add-ons for IE7 easy.
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Universal Countdown Script
Finally, a count down script that lets you specify the time zone of the future date/time.
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Free symbol signs
A complete set of 50 passenger/pedestrian symbols, free for use.
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CSS Photo-Caption Zoom
A CSS image zoom effect- move mouse over image to show enlarged version.