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Turning visitors into users
Is your homepage design optimized for generating new sign-ups?
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Web 2.0 Winners and Losers
Wired sums up what's good and what's not so good when it comes to Web 2.0 sites
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How do you use RSS?
If you're in the business of dealing with RSS feeds, definitely encourage people to fill this out.
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The True Value Of Digg
A controversial article by Scrivs, co-founder of 9rules, on how digg's worth has become inflated.
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The Social Bookmarking Faceoff
The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. But who will win?
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Why standards still matter
Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on the level of interest and action around web standards.
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Top CSS Tips
Jonathan Snook shares some of his habits when it comes to doing CSS work
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Some cool (and useful) microformats tools from Drew McLellan
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Objectifying JavaScript
The important idea here is simply that objects encapsulate related functionality.
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JPG Magazine Launches
JPG is not just another photo sharing site - it's a community that's come together to create a photo magazine.