User rating:
11 Yays
5 Nays

List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers
Some useful jQuery plugins for developers, such as easing animations, form validation, and mouse gestures plugins.
User rating:
7 Yays
2 Nays

50 Free and Exclusive Twitter Icons
50 free and exclusive Twitter icons that you can use for your websites. The icons are provided in both raster and vector formats: The transparent PNG versions are 256×256.
User rating:
9 Yays
5 Nays

@font-face and Firefox 3
A look at how CSS's @font-face property- supported in FF3, can be used with current CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography.
User rating:
5 Yays
1 Nays

15 Techniques For Implementing Autosuggest With Ajax
A helpful list of auto suggest scripts, del.icious tag suggestion, autosuggest control to search images on Flickr, and advanced table filter with auto suggest control.
User rating:
8 Yays
8 Nays

Do you support IE6?
A blogger's rants on the continued existence of IE6 but also futile campaigns to get people to ditch the browser.
User rating:
29 Yays
4 Nays

Firefox 3.5 has arrived
Well, it's here folks, Firefox 3.5 that is! Key features that will interest webmasters are a faster JavaScript engine, embeddable fonts, support for HTML 5 storage, video and audio tags, and geo location targeting.
User rating:
8 Yays
32 Nays

jQuery Image Warp
A jQuery script that adds an interesting "warp" effect to images when clicked on, whereby the original image expands temporarily before reverting back to the its original dimensions.
User rating:
3 Yays
2 Nays

The Ultimate List Of Online Color Tools For Web Developers
There are a lot of useful online color tools such as color wheel, color scheme, color palette, color picker etc. With that said, here's a comprehensive list of them.
User rating:
18 Yays
35 Nays

The 1Kb CSS Grid
A versatile, compact CSS framework that supports nested rows, fluid or fixed layouts etc.
User rating:
10 Yays
4 Nays

10 CSS properties that “were” impossible to implement in IE6
This post is about 10 commonly used css properties that are hard to implement in IE6, but not impossible with a little ingenuity.