User rating:
13 Yays
5 Nays

37+ Great Ajax, CSS Tab-Based Interfaces
A great roundup of the best Tab-based interfaces using CSS only, CSS+Ajax and tutorials which would help you create your own Ajax or CSS Tab-based interfaces.
User rating:
9 Yays
2 Nays

Powerful CSS-Techniques For Effective Coding
50 new CSS-techniques, ideas and ready-to-use solutions for effective coding. You definitely know some of them, but definitely not all of them.
User rating:
9 Yays
2 Nays

Pure Edit CMS Editor
A CMS that aims to make editing your site easy both at the front and backend. Haven't actually tried it out, however.
User rating:
10 Yays
8 Nays

YUI 2.5.0 Released
YUI 2.5 just released, which adds 6 new components - Layout Manager, Multi-file Uploader, Resize Utility, ImageCropper, Cookie Utility and a ProfilerViewer Control.
User rating:
10 Yays
6 Nays

Detailed Look at Stacking in CSS
Using CSS z-index to affect stacking order is a much deeper topic than it may appear. This article delves into z-index in CSS.
User rating:
5 Yays
7 Nays

Ajax powered Country and Area Drop-down List
A dynamic Country and Area (Region, State, or Province) selector that uses Ajax to retrieve the selected info.
User rating:
13 Yays
5 Nays

XHTML 2 vs. HTML 5
The battle for the next web standards standard- HTML 5 vs XHTML 2.0!
User rating:
19 Yays
7 Nays

Lightview v2.0 released
Nick Stakenburg has released Lightview v2.0. Now you can also overlay video (Quicktime), Ajax, Flash, iframe and inline content.
User rating:
3 Yays
7 Nays

Cross-Site XMLHttpRequest in Firefox 3
Firefox 3.0 will support W3C Access Control working draft, which means cross browser XMLHttpRequests!