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Archival Quality

The act of archiving is certainly not a rarity, but the motivation behind it is something profound.
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Guidelines for creating better markup

Roger Johansson of 456bereastreet.com on a list of what he thinks are the six most important guidelines for writing better markup
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You’re a standardista if ... (Friday Fun)

This Friday Fun session pokes a little fun at our beloved industry. All in the name of humor. So, without further ado, you're a standardista if ...
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25 Code snippets for web designers (Part 3)

The 3rd part of 25 Code snippets for web designers series includes more handy pieces of html, css and ajax..
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Reset Styles

Eric Meyers version of reset.css file that removes all of the browser formatting.
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Web 1.0 v Web 2.0

Apart from the most obvious things like better design, usability along with standards there are 7 main things about the way a website just looks and feels different in 2007.
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Lightbox 2.0.3

With improved keyboard navigation. Animation off toggle. Hides Flash movies under overlay. Imagemap support. Valid CSS.
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Mixing Photo And Vectors In Photoshop

Easy step by step tutorial showing how to mix vectors with a photo to create a really modern and beautiful design.
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120 Adobe Photoshop Tips

Loads of things about Photoshop that even the most experienced Photoshop user probably doesn't know.
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Web safe typography on screen for pixel perfectionists.

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