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Color Inspiration from the Masters of Painting
Get your colour inspiration from some of the world famous paintings.
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Animated Progress Bar generators
Nice round up of animated progress bar generators to use in your Web 2.0 apps.
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Ruby on Rails creme of the month
New tutorials, tools, video lessons and more about ruby on rails.
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MoodMill - Crash Test Version
MoodMill is a social mood management website. It's a personal mood management, a log, a quick 'n easy website for managing and sharing your short logs with your contacts.
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Expression Engine 1.6 released!
For users of Expression Engine, version 1.6 has been released, which most notably adds the Pages Module for creating static pages.
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Test Everything
Over 100 web tools and applications for website owners divided into 8 categories.
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What’s Your Client Relationship Like?
Mathias of Freelance Switch has brought up some interesting points regarding the subject.
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80+ AJAX-Solutions For Professional Coding
A list of useful AJAX-based techniques.
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Delay loading your print CSS
In order to increase rendering performance, all stylesheets not absolutely needed to initially render a page should be loaded after the page load, in the background