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Video: RSS in Plain English
Video from Lee Lefever that explains RSS. In plain english no less.
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AOL One Step Behind Again: New Home Page Identical To Yahoo
AOL has started beta testing a new home page (the main portal)
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Real Editor: Online CSS Edits
Real Editor is a real-time CSS editor, built on SAJA. It let's MySpace users change their styles inline via simple dialogs, menus, and pickers
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DD Tab Menus
A standards compliant, 2 level tab menu; move your mouse over a tab, and a 2nd level content appears beneath it
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Microformats recommends the use of an abbr-design-pattern which, in some circumstances, is completely in line with the proper use of the XHTML <abbr> element.
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jscsscomp: JavaScript and CSS files compressor
jscsscomp is the latest compressor that uses Nicolas Martin PHP version of the Dean Edwards JavaScript Compressor.
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Banking Goes Mobile
Time, has an interesting article about a pretty big step towards making mobile payment mainstream.
User rating: Redesign—from flash to html
MTV relaunches this week, swapping the previous all-Flash design with fast and clean HTML
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Menu Builder
Four new horizontal centered menus and a Menu Builder for the simplified flyout menu.