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AIGA Redesign
Jason Santa Maria on: I'm pleased to announce the redesign of the AIGA website!
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Flexible fixed layouts
Craig Grannell reveals the art of creating fixed layouts for multiple screen sizes
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Copyright: get to know the facts
Stephen Nipper of Vitamin: If something's valuable to you then you need to protect it
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Dynamic Converter
Dynamic Converter is a conversion service for displaying dual currencies on a particular website
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BuildASign: Ajax Enabled Design Tool
BuildASign is a simple Ajax tool that lets you design signs
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Another way to look at validation
The debate over validation has raged for a long time, with heated arguments on both sides
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Book Review: Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax
Despite its title, Beginning Javascript with DOM Scripting and Ajax by Christian Heilmann is not for those just starting out in web development
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ColorJack: Visualize color theory
ColorJack allows you to visualize color theory with the sphere
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Relatives - Who needs them?
A detailed look at relative positioning in CSS and when to use it.