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New W3C HTML Working Group chaired by Microsoft
The W3C has chartered a new HTML Working Group to reinvent HTML
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Cut Your Coding Time
David Heinemeier Hansson (37Signals & Ruby on Rails) discusses how Ruby on Rails makes coding easier, quicker and happier
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Ruby Basics
In this valuable primer to Ruby, Geoff covers everything you need to know to get rockin' with Ruby
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Web Design Freelancers: The Psychology of your Rate
The question I get asked most from fellow freelancers is, "how do you determine your rate"?
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Tips for a Better Design Review Process
D. Keith Robinson offers his Tips for a Better Design Review Process
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Geeks love * tshirt
Cindy Li designs a tshirt that was born out of Kevin Lawver's sense of humor
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Seven accessibility mistakes you don’t want to make
Roger Johansson of overviews commonly made accessibility mistakes
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SEO isn’t hacking - and data security tips
Brian of SEOmoz on the recent hacking of SEO blogs underlining a key point – the vulnerabilities of publishing software that we rely on