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50 Website Redesigns from Scratch
A great idea and resource for a book showcasing website redesigns.
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CSS Universal Selector
The CSS universal selector has thousands of potential uses for web designers.
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Simple Tree Menu
A nice CSS/ DOM based tree menu based on ordinary lists.
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CSS page templates
A nice set of CSS page templates and tutorials, from Intensivstation.
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A great open source client side code syntax highlighter to show code on your site neatly.
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New in JavaScript 1.7
See what's new in JavaScript 1.7, supported in Firefox 2.0 (beta).
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MS Virtual PC 2004 now free
If nothing else, use this software to run Mac OSX and Safari on your PC.
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Multi Column layout in CSS
Overview of the new multi column layout module in CSS3.
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The Horizontal Way
A showcase for those sites that display its content in horizontal format.