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CSS Rounded Corners tutorials list
An extensive list of tutorials on the web on creating round corners using CSS and beyond.
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This util got 1.3 kb of my site's CSS, which is an 18% save! Quite cool :)
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Ruby on rails and Mac OSX
Use Ruby on rails with your Mac OSX to create an application
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Daily Designer News
A new daily design news site is taking emails to be notified for launch.
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Grids CSS: easy page creation
Hundreds of different page layouts with a single css file, and it's only 1.82k!
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Calling All Designers: Learn to Write!
A guide to writing better text to wrap around your designs
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Listamatic: one list, many options
Examples of how you can use CSS and lists to create many different options
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Stripe your tables the OO way
An improved version of the Zebra Tables JavaScript technique.