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‘Communicating Design’ by Dan Brown
Documenting your web design project properly can score major points with colleagues, clients and management
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Anatomy of HTML tags
This tutorial describes some of the main attributes that HTML tags can feature
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Jeffrey Zeldman On Why To Incorporate Web Standards
If you need help selling standards to your colleagues, this article is for you.
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JavaScript is the new black - Why JS is hot and CSS is not
The hot new trade is JavaScript as XHTML/CSS seems to becoming more common place
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Avoiding the 5 Most Common SEO Mistakes
Johnathon Smith of summarize the most common SEO mistakes, and their solutions, in this article
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How to write a blog post
Seth Godin highlights his eight checkpoints to writing a blog post
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Colorjack DHTML Color Picker
A kick ass, open source DHTML color picker for your site.
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Interstitial Content Box
An interstitial box that appears over an entire webpage intermittently to display content in an eye catching way.
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Authenteo: Ajax WYSIWYG CMS
The holy grail of a usable WYSIWYG CMS system where users build their website by just being on their website and editing layouts and pages
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Design: It’s easy to like it after it works
This is hilarious!! Two minute flash riff about how clients abuse the flags of the world as presented by their agency