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Reverse Grunge - Easy Texture Technique in Photoshop (and others)
Bit box shows off an easy texturing technique in photoshop, this method comes in very hand when needing to tile a background for a web site.
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The Anatomy of a Logo
What makes a good logo? The anatomy of a logo is explained over at The It Articles
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ALA 239
Issue 239 of A List Apart: Frameworks for Designers, You Are Not a Robot
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Safari 3.0 beta for Windows is here!
Safari 3.0 beta is here, and not just for Mac anymore.
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7 Web Design-isms
This great article by Larissa Meek presents a review of 7 different design styles that work.
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Using the Blend tool and Distort Zig Zag Effect in Illustrator
Cool effects you can achieve with simple shapes or lines in Illustrator.
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Website ribbon generator
A fun ribbons generator to display a graphical ribbon on your site.
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E-mail is not a platform for design
Jeffery Zeldman on "All these years of internet use later, HTML mail still sucks"
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7 Brilliant Free Fonts: Faceplate, Sling, Cicle
Smashing Magazine collects the most beautiful high quality fonts, which can be used for private and/or professional projects without any restrictions whatsoever.
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25 Ways To Improve Your Site Today
A list of 25 ways to improve your website in as little time as possible, it can also be used as a basis for a quality check document.