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CSS Current Page Indicator
How to highlight the current page's link in a navigation menu using only CSS, no scripting.
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YUI Theater: “Introduction to Screen Magnifiers”
With the goal of better understanding how people interact with the Web via various types of Assistive Technology (AT).
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.htaccess Banning Generator
Nice Ajax tool for generating the proper .htaccess code to ban users by IP, referrer, and to disable hotlinking.
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Unicode for CSS Class Names
In doing some research, Jonathan Snook discovered that you could use Unicode for CSS class names
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15 of the Best CSS Zengarden Designs
A list of 15 Best CSS Zengarden designs at Tutorial Blog
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Top 14 Free Web Statistics Tools
A list of top 14 free web statistics tools
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Frameworks for Designers
A practical look at how abstracting some of the common and repetitive CSS we write can really jump start your development
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TeamSnap makes it easy to manage your team
TeamSnap is a smart new Rails-based product that lets people manage recreational or youth-league sports team online.
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SlickSpeed CSS Selector TestSuite
SlickSpeed is a CSS selector test suite provided by the MooTools folk.
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40+ Tooltips Scripts With AJAX,Javascript & CSS
Smashing Magazine compiled 43 handy tooltips scripts for intuitive and well-designed visual clues.