Design News
Sketching with a Sharpie
Jason of 37signals team on: I've always preferred sketching UIs with an as-thick-as-I-can-find Sharpie over a thin ballpoint pen or finely sharpened pencil.
Creative Favicons: When Small Is Beautiful
We love creative favicons. Their beauty lies in the approach a designer has chosen to put something really unique inside of the 16×16px box.
Pro JavaScript Techniques (Book review)
Roger from 456 Berea street reviews Pro JavaScript Techniques a book by John Resig.
Education Task Force Curriculum Survey
The Web Standards Project Education Task Force has created a curriculum survey and seeks input from educational professionals.
CSS Current Page Indicator
How to highlight the current page's link in a navigation menu using only CSS, no scripting.
YUI Theater: “Introduction to Screen Magnifiers”
With the goal of better understanding how people interact with the Web via various types of Assistive Technology (AT).
.htaccess Banning Generator
Nice Ajax tool for generating the proper .htaccess code to ban users by IP, referrer, and to disable hotlinking.
Unicode for CSS Class Names
In doing some research, Jonathan Snook discovered that you could use Unicode for CSS class names