Design News
No more Transitional DOCTYPEs, please
Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on DOCTYPEs
Google Goes To Web Standardsville, Part Two
The good, the bad, the ugly of Google and their efforts towards web standards
Microformats Bookmarklet
This bookmarklet will allow you to select which individual contacts or events you want to save.
Facebook Opens Registrations
Facebook removed the restrictions on registration and anyone can now become a member by joining a geographic network.
CSS Transparency Technique
A technique for creating custom corners and borders with optional alpha transparency. The technique is based on a combination of CSS and JavaScript.
12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards
New to CSS and standards? It will require a change of mindset from the "old way" of doing things.
The Button Is Back
The button element is an underused, but highly useful element that web devs should have in their toolbox.
Bullet link effect
This script dynamically positions a "bullet" image of your choice alongside arbitrary links to "highlight" them.