Design News
PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner
Tutorials to learn about elementary PHP 4 or basic PHP 5 , written by Vikram Vaswani, founder and CEO of Melonfire.
Inverted CSS Menu w/ round corners
An inverted horizontal CSS menu with rounded corners using CSS3 and Mozilla's proprietary rules for the effect.
Evolving Design Standards: The Fold
The web and users are constantly evolving, and so should our approaches
Is Your Font Stylesheet Vista Ready?
Why suffer with Arial when you have a more elegant option at your disposal?
10 Designer’s Checkpoints To Be Aware Of
Some useful starting points from where you can really improve your web site
Interview: Matt Davies on design process
Matt Davies has kindly offered up his thoughts on design processes to Fadtastic.
6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-based Layouts
Six things that will help people get over the hump.
Are we designers or developers?
Roger Johansson of asks the question: Do you call and/or consider yourself a designer or a developer?