Design News
CSS Redundancy Checker
Use this tool to find CSS selectors that aren't used by any of your HTML files and may be redundant.
Logo, Business Card, and Web Inspiration
A gallery of great logos, business cards, and web designs.
A Complete Glossary of Essential SEO Jargon
SEOmoz publishes a list of SEO terms and their definitions
CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know
Some important issues related to CSS Specificity as well as examples, rules, principles, common solutions and resources.
Microformats: More Meaning from Your Markup
Brian Suda on: So, what are microformats?
Design Float
A new Digg like site, but with news catered to the web design community.
YSlow, Firebug based performance tool
Yahoo! has released YSlow, their web performance tool, on YDN under an open source license.
Back to the Future of the Web
10 years from now what will we look back on as important to the web?