Design News
Conflicting Absolute Positions
An Article by Rob Swan at A List Apart explains how to implement two column equal height layout that fills whole browser window
Never Use a Warning When you Mean Undo
An article written by Aza Raskin at A List Apart provides you with an insight on why you should not use Warning when you mean Undo
gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer
Display RSS feeds on your site without installing or hosting anything, thanks to this flexible RSS Feeds script.
RSS Feed buttons
A small collection of original RSS feed buttons for you to download.
Andy Rutledge on CNN’s new design
Andy shares his views on why he loves the new design so much.
Bustaname Domain Name Generator
Enter a few keywords and the generator will try every combination of the words for available domain names.
AJAX form POST with PHP, Javascript, and Cookies
One way to mimic asynchronous form posting using PHP and JavaScript.
How To Define Web 3.0
Web 3.0: "Highly specialized information silos, moderated by a cult of personality, validated by the community, and put into context with the inclusion of meta-data through widgets."