Design News
MovableType 4.0 Beta 4
MovableType 4.0 Beta 4 released.
Google Adsense round corner units
Google Adsense joins the round corners phenomenon with round corner versions of its ad units.
Web app without makeup: iterations of Teamsnap
Andrew Berkowitz takes us through five iterations of a single screen of web app Teamsnap.
Corners, shading and shadow to images on your web pages
Add Corners, shading and shadow to images on your web pages with Corner.js
A Guide To How Not To Do Web 2.0 Design
The team over at Wisdump on loving and hating web 2.0 design
21 Fresh, Usable and Elegant Wordpress Themes
Sometimes it's just amazing to see, how developers use creative approaches to design amazing layouts, based upon a simple Wordpress template
Focus clouds
It's like a tag cloud but with more focus. With PHP source code. Makes tag clouds just a little more interesting.
Fighting Spam with CSS
An interesting approach of using CSS to fight form spam.