Design News
Reset Styles
Eric Meyers version of reset.css file that removes all of the browser formatting.
Web 1.0 v Web 2.0
Apart from the most obvious things like better design, usability along with standards there are 7 main things about the way a website just looks and feels different in 2007.
Lightbox 2.0.3
With improved keyboard navigation. Animation off toggle. Hides Flash movies under overlay. Imagemap support. Valid CSS.
Mixing Photo And Vectors In Photoshop
Easy step by step tutorial showing how to mix vectors with a photo to create a really modern and beautiful design.
120 Adobe Photoshop Tips
Loads of things about Photoshop that even the most experienced Photoshop user probably doesn't know.
Web safe typography on screen for pixel perfectionists.
How to clear CSS floats without extra markup
Article explains the different techniques for clearing floats in CSS.
Design Your Content - Part 2
The following four types of content are the backbone of a content heavy page like an article.