Design News
Two New Sites for Startups
If you're on the lookout for startup news, resources, and communities, then there are two recently launched sites that are worth taking a look at
Close your tags
If you don't close your tags properly and you need to access elements via the DOM, expect trouble in Internet Explorer
Tabmenu for free
There are a lot of other ways how you can do something like this but if you use more then one of these tabmenus, this is one of the best solutions.
URL Rewriting to Prevent Duplicate URLs
A brief refresher on why it's a good idea to avoid having your content accessible via multiple URLs, and how to implement URL rewriting on an IIS server.
Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes
Smart hack from Kent Brewster. Uses Yahoo! Pipes' JSON output plus a few lines of JavaScript to create a badge from any RSS feed.
Free Hosting of YUI libraries from Yahoo!
With the release of YUI version 2.2.0, Yahoo! is opening up free YUI hosting from the Yahoo! network to all YUI implementers -- gzipped, with good cache-control.
Icon Design: Sizing
One of the more deceptively time-consuming things you'll do when creating an icon is producing out size variations
Dynamic Right Click Context Menu
A real JavaScript Right Click Context Menu.