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CSS Validator colour warnings are not errors

Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on CSS Validator warnings vs. errors

Unobtrusive Date-Picker Widgit

Versatile JavaScript allowing you to select a date via point-and-click. Like Orbitz.com, only better.

Analysing Your Competition

Like any deliverable, a competitive analysis must start with a situation analysis: a hard look at the purpose, the timing, and the audience for the document. These aspects of your situation will drive the documents contents and design.

Dealing With The Digg Effect

Getting Dugg, Slashdotted or hit by heavy traffic from another social website like Reddit or Del.icio.us can be quite exciting for any website owner. But many websites have trouble dealing with the Digg effect and stop responding due to the heavy traffic influx.

Web Development In 2007

Ektron and SitePoint did a survey of 5,000 web developers over the US summer, and have just released the results showing which web technologies developers and organizations are using now - and plan to use in future.

Six Aparts Booming Blogosphere

The company harnessed the popularity of online journals. Now, Six Apart is dealing with the challenges and possibilities of blogging's future.

Skypes Venice Project Revealed

Skype co-founders Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom are preparing to unveil their latest venture to the public, a video Web site that combines professionally produced TV and video with the interactive tools of the Web.

Visualistic: Ajax Room Designer

Visualistic has revolutionised the area of image manipulation, answering the prayers of marketeers and designers, in a new, innovative and cost effective way

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