Design News
CSS Rounded Corners tutorials list
An extensive list of tutorials on the web on creating round corners using CSS and beyond.
This util got 1.3 kb of my site's CSS, which is an 18% save! Quite cool :)
Ruby on rails and Mac OSX
Use Ruby on rails with your Mac OSX to create an application
Daily Designer News
A new daily design news site is taking emails to be notified for launch.
Grids CSS: easy page creation
Hundreds of different page layouts with a single css file, and it's only 1.82k!
Calling All Designers: Learn to Write!
A guide to writing better text to wrap around your designs
Listamatic: one list, many options
Examples of how you can use CSS and lists to create many different options
Stripe your tables the OO way
An improved version of the Zebra Tables JavaScript technique.