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Design News

CS4 - To upgrade or not upgrade, that is the question

"Creative Suite 4 is about to be released. But from what I'm reading of it, I think I'll stick to CS3 for a while yet."

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Sliding doors buttons

A nice menu background effect using the Sliding Doors technique and jQuery.

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An Interview with Alan Grakalic of CSSGlobe.com

An interview with the creator of the popular site CSSGlobe.com in the form of 13 questions.

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ExpressionEngine Developer’s Toolbox

A huge collection of helpful Expression Engine related tips, tutorials, and add-ons.

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Improving yourself as a designer

This article offers tips and ideas that will hopefully inspire, educate and outline techniques to help improve yourself as a designer.

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50 Beautiful Blog Designs

Yes, it's a list. But a darn good one. Some designs will inspire, some will demonstrate new techniques and some will just make you so darn jealous you didn't think of it first...

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WuFoo form templates

A superb collection of free CSS form templates, categorized by theme.

Your Votes: 15 Yays  3 Nays

Familiarity & Learnability

Familiarity and learnability are two important design principles used when creating web sites. The author explains.

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